Sunday, July 13, 2008

A great way to save money, your neighbor!

It seems nowadays people, especially here in DC, don't talk to their neighbors. That's really a bad thing because your neighbor can be a great way to save money.

Now some of you are saying "what do you mean?" What I mean is this: There are some things you should buy with a neighbor rather than by yourself. Lawnmowers, weed wackers, and other expensive outdoor tools and equipments should be bought with a neighbor. One reason is that unless you're running a landscape business it's not used more often than once a week.

Another benefit that cooperating with a neighbor can provide is buying bulk food. You and your neighbor or neighbors can go to places like Costco or Sam's Club and purchase those bulk item which then you can divide them up.

With a neighbor you can buy stuff cheaper, help reduce consumption, and put more use into the products you buy.

Not only does this help you build your liquid assets but it also builds something else: trust. There are many times when you're going to need help from your fellow neighbor and visa-versa. After all no man is an island.

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