Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Saving, the key to being rich

If there is such a thing as the "golden rule" for financing, then this would be it: It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep.

Saving is a big issue here in the United States, where the average person has more debt then liquid cash. Of course the whole ARM housing loans and bankers carelessness had some contribution to our economic problems but for the most part we are the ones who caused it.

Here are some websites to check out for more about savings:

BestCashCow.com is an excellent website where you can see the top rates for online savings, CDs, bonds, funds, etc. It also has articles about personal financing, retirement planning, etc. It's a great site so check it out.

BankRate.com gives an in-dept analyst and comparisons of home equity, cds, checkings and savings, retirement, etc. What I really like about the site are the calculators they have on there. You can calculate you mortgages, CDs, and probably the most important one is the home budget.

is a rather unique online savings site. It helps you save up for any goals that you want (buying a new house, getting a new iPod, saving up for a vacation, etc.) What's also good about it is that you can have other people contribute to it. Hey does anybody wanna contribute to my grand vacation to Russia? :-)

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