Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tips on using these GPT sites

Hi again, the last blog I talked about GPT sites, this time I'll give you some tips on using these GPT sites.

You really don't have to follow any of these advices except this one:

NEVER EVER DO AN OFFER MORE THAN ONCE EVEN IF IT IS ON ANOTHER SITE! The only other time you can do an offer more than once is if you never got the credit and you remove it from your pending list. The consequences are the you never get the credit and your account can be deleted.

The best thing to do is to keep track of all your completed offers, I use an excel spreadsheet to keep track of all the offers I do and what site I completed them on.

Voicemail and Phone

The one bad thing about filling out offers on these GPT sites is that these marketing site will bombard your email with spam and will blow up your phone with offers. The one thing you want to do before you get heavily involve in GPT sites is to get an extra local phone number that provides voicemail. There used to be free voicemail services but they're all gone and the cheapest one I've found was around $9.95 a month, please tell me if you know a cheaper one. However I would suggest another alternative and that is to get a prepaid cell phone. A prepaid cell phone with a local number is perfect since there are no long term contracts and those telemarketers won't be calling your regular phone or cell phone.

If you do decide to go that route then you should be looking for a prepaid cell phone that's cheap, does not charge for activation or the activation is cheap, don't charge for daily access, and the minutes doesn't expire quickly.

The best one I've found is T-Mobile with their cell phones as cheap as $29.99 for a Nokia 2610 with their Pay-As-You-Go plan. The Pay-As-You-Go come with refills of 30, 130, 400, and 1,000 minutes for $10, $25, $50, and $100 respectively. The minutes last for 90 days for the first three refills but if you get the $100 one your minutes won't expire for one year! This is very much a good plan.

However if you use your minutes very wisely you can use the $10 and refill three more times for the rest of the year, it averages out to only 3 minutes per day. You also need to take in account that the phone number is good for only 90 days after expiration before you lose it. So if you bought the phone for $30 and only spend $40 for the next year you will only spend $70 for the entire year, much cheaper than the $9.95 voicemail service. However if you think it's impossible to do the $10 per 3 months, then get the $100 one and don't worry about it for a year.

This is better than a voicemail because there are some offers that requires you to pick up and answer the phone. However there are a few offers that do not allow cell phones to be used.

Since you will get quite a few call from these telemarketers why not get paid for it? Brring is a free ringback service that will pay a short ad when someone calls a number they provide for you. The Brring number is linked to your number thus you get paid for every time they call. Give it a try!

The Gmail Dot Trick

Here's something I wish I have done in the first place, then I wouldn't get so much spam. It's best to do no more than 2-3 offers at a time so that you can get the credit for those offers. This may sound weird but the more offer you do at one time the less likely you'll get credit for them. After you finish doing that group and they have approved you should use another email for the next group, that way you reduce the number of spam mail you receive. However if you have a Gmail account you can use the dot trick. Here's how it works, you put another dot anywhere before the @ symbol.

For example say your email is, so for the next 2-3 offers you would use f.oobar@gmail com and for the next batch you would use and you will keep on doing this just before you reach the @ symbol, so the last one will look like this: fooba.r@gmail com. After that you will use 2 dots for the next one like this: f.o.obar@gmail, then the next one for the next batch will look like this: and so on. The hint here is that the longer the email name, the better.


Another thing you don't want to do is never use a computer that has a proxy. That includes mostly any computer that is for public use (work, school, library, Internet Cafe, Kinkos, etc.) Any computer that is not individually owned usually have a proxy. You can get you account deleted and you many never get your money, so it's best not to use a computer that has a proxy.


The forums at some GPT sites are usually great at obtaining advices and tips on completing offers and getting referrals. The ones at Cashcrate and GPTCashcow are very active. There are people on those forums who are willing to help you out if you have any problems or in need of an advice. I got a lot out of them.

For more info and tips on GPT sites go to the follwing sites:

Makin' Money from Home
Make Money Online with Cashcrate
The noob guide to making $$$!

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